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Decoration baby room

decoracion habitacion de bebe

From the middle of the pregnancy it is surely the perfect moment to start the preparation of the bedroom for the little one. Knowing the sex of the baby will help a lot to decide the theme of the decoration of the room, although these days the criteria allow to make very good mixtures. It is possible to find the complete theme in sheets, blankets, furniture, curtains, pictures, borders, etc… Everything already done to turn your child’s room into a personalized space for him.

Colors in the baby’s room

The colours abandon the tradition of blue for boys and pink for girls, more and more. Today, many families opt for beige, lilac or light yellow. There are paintings of all tastes, in soft or strong tones. For the smallest of the house is advisable to use softer colors that evoke tranquility.

Illumination of the baby’s bedroom

As far as the lighting of the room is concerned, it is advisable to use two types of lamps, one in the centre of the ceiling and the other in the crescent on the wall. The last one can be used in case the little one needs nocturnal care, without making him uncomfortable with a very strong light. A dim light can help the little one to fall asleep much better.

The curtains are needed to control the entry of natural light where it is recommended to use ones that are made of materials that do not trap dust. The same advice applies to the crib and bedspread protector.

Types of mattresses for baby’s rest

When it comes to mattresses, there are four different types because of their prices and materials. The foam, antiallergic, springs and coconut fiber.